You’ve banned plastic straws, cups and bags, but what about bin liners?
Banning single use bin liners isn’t the answer – we need to use less plastic and recycle more!
Does this look familiar to you? Too often in this day an age we see scenarios like the below. How much plastic are you wasting with oversized and extra thick bin liners?
So how does switching from standard bin liners, to Longopac continuous liners reduce my plastic usage?
With Longopac, every bag is 100% full, so only the exact amount of liner needed is used.
Also, because the waste is compacted, there is less wasted space due to liners being full of air, meaning a further reduction in plastic.
The way the liner material is constructed means they use 55% less plastic than standard bin liners, but are 4x stronger. The liners are also made from 50% recycled plastic.
It is also the strongest bin bag in the world, that we know of. This means the bag won’t split or tear, so no need for double bagging!
If changing your bin liner saved the equivalent of one tree absorbing CO2 for 7 years, why wouldn’t you?
Click here to quickly and easily calculate how much plastic your organisation could save by switching to Longopac continuous liners. All you need to know is how many waste bags you use in a year!
By implementing our continuous liner system in their bins, within just 12 months we have helped:
A large corporate office to reduce their plastic usage by 10 tonnes and the carbon footprint by 46 tonnes!

A UK clothing retailers distribution centre to reduce plastic usage by 58 tonnes and the associated carbon footprint by 249 tonnes!

A famous UK bakery manufacturer & retailer to reduce the plastic usage by 42 tonnes and the carbon footprint by 179 tonnes!