I’ve heard many industry professionals channel their frustration on this very dilemma; how to prevent dirt entering a facility. Many seeking a better way, a way more in keeping with their technological advancements.
In truth, using traditional methods, a floor is only clean when it is being cleaned. So, unless you have a cleaning army that cleans all your floors 24/7, how can you really keep on top of it?
There must be a better way than the perpetual cycle of cleaning – day in day out, 24/7 in the modern world of manufacturing. As the proverb says, prevention is better than the cure (or something along those lines).
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It’s more prudent to head off a disaster beforehand than to deal with it after it occurs” ‘De Legibus’ (c. 1240).
Prevention seems an obvious solution!
Given that 80% of all contamination (dirt, dust and moisture) is carried in on tyre wheels and shoes, strategically placing a solution at entrance points would be a good way to start. So, am I suggesting a doormat? Yes, I am.
80% of contamination (dirt, debris or moisture) is carried in on tyre wheels and shoes
Let’s look at this solution. Unlike most entrance mats for forklifts and pedestrians on the market, ProfilGate® is unique by its very design.
ProfilGate® – trusted by major UK brands, across various industries.
By strategically placing ProfilGate throughout your building, in particular at key entrance points, you can capture up to 90% of the dirt, dust and moisture that would otherwise enter your facility/production. The system is proven to;
- Improve technical cleanliness – removes up to 90% of contamination brought into facilities by foot, forklift or tyre.
- Improve Health & Safety (reduced risk of slip)
- Reduce cleaning costs – ProfilGate cleans 24/7 mechanically
- Reduce refurbishment costs – with 90% of dirt removed, resin floors stay scratch free and clean for longer.
Case Study – UK Automotive Manufacturer
Case Study – UK Food Manufacturer
Following a very similar installation process, a major UK Food Manufacturer saw the following impressive results. Based on the 5-week trial, we can assume that ProfilGate would drive a potential 254.8 kg of contamination/dirt prevention in 12 months.
If you’d like to understand how ProfilGate might support your business, please call 0845 0700 624 or visit www.unisort.co.uk.
Alternatively, fill out the form below and request a call back or quote.